Early Signs That Indicate That You Might Be Truly Pregnant

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Many people go for a long time wondering “Could I be pregnant?”, after even small changes in their body. If you have experienced this yourself, you are not alone. Thousands of women undergo these hopes and doubts every year, and it can be a relief to get answers when you have none.

Below, we will explore six of the early signs you might be pregnant. If you experience any of them, look into at-home tests or book an appointment with a specialist. So, read on and get the information you need to guide your next steps.

Early Signs That Indicate That You Might Be Truly PregnantEarly Signs That Indicate That You Might Be Truly Pregnant
  1. Missed Period

This is often the earliest sign of pregnancy. It often becomes a source of worry, prompting people to seek healthcare support. In the case of women with a more regular cycle, this can be even more troublesome. Some people may even hear about other reasons someone may miss their period and attribute it to that.

Why it is easy to miss

Many women experience various stresses in their lives. From busy careers to missing sleep, it is possible to not realize that you have not experienced a period. In some cases, such stress may even cause people to miss a period or be a few days late.

While many women use sleep-tracking methods such as apps or diaries, these are not universal solutions. If you do remember you have missed your period, make sure to perform your due diligence and confirm whether you are pregnant or not.

  1. Spotting or light bleeding

Early in pregnancy, light bleeding, or “spotting”, from the vagina is common. This will be lighter than a regular period and continue for a shorter time. It is due to the egg implanting into the uterine lining.

If this occurs at the same time as abdominal pain, it is sensible to discuss it with a healthcare provider. In many other cases, though, there is no need to worry unless it continues for a long time.

Differences from regular periods

If you have not had your period, seeing blood may initially be a relief. You should be aware of the differences, though.

Spotting blood is different from a period in the following ways. It is:

Possibly a light pink color

Potentially a dark brown color

Only 1-2 days of blood

Lower volume than a period

Accompanying vaginal discharge

Itching or redness

Avoid missing the signs by ensuring you know how to recognize when you have had a period and when you have experienced spotting instead.

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