Do these immediately if your mobile phone falls into water

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  1. Gently shake the device

Following that, softly shake the device to dislodge any water trapped in the headphone jack, charging ports, and other areas. If available, you can also use a vacuum cleaner from a safe distance or utilize a blower. It’s important to note that we’re referring to a blower, not a hairdryer.

While some may resort to using a hairdryer to expedite the drying process, its heat can potentially damage components and circuits. Therefore, we advise against using a hairdryer for this purpose.

  1. Store in an Airtight Container with Silica Gel Packets

While the common advice suggests placing a wet phone in rice, this method may not be the most effective. Instead, opt for silica gel packets, often found with new products like shoes, as they have demonstrated superior moisture-absorbing properties. Place your phone in a plastic zip-top bag filled with silica gel packets, ensuring it is fully submerged.

Allow the phone to remain in the bag for 24–48 hours. Alternatively, place the phone inside an airtight container along with several silica gel sachets. Silica gel is known to absorb moisture more efficiently than rice. Avoid exposing the phone to direct sunlight and opt for storing it in a cool, dry location for optimal results.

While the initial steps are crucial, several common misconceptions and practices can actually worsen the situation. Here’s what to avoid and what to embrace:

The Rice Myth: While a popular suggestion, burying your phone in rice is not the most effective solution. Rice grains can trap moisture and even introduce tiny particles that could cause further harm.

Heat is Your Enemy: Avoid using heat sources like hair dryers, ovens, or microwaves to dry your phone. The heat can warp components and accelerate damage.

Silica Gel: The True Hero: Instead of rice, opt for silica gel packets, often found in packaging for shoes or electronics. These packets are much better at absorbing moisture and accelerating the drying process. Place your phone in a sealed container filled with silica gel packets and leave it for at least 48 hours.

  1. The Waiting Game: Patience is Key to Successful Revival

It’s tempting to check if your phone is working after a few minutes, but resist the urge. Allow the phone to dry completely for at least 48 hours, preferably longer, to ensure all moisture has evaporated. This patience can significantly increase your chances of a successful revival.

  1. Powering Up and Assessing the Situation:

After the waiting period, reassemble your phone with caution. Insert the SIM card, SD card (if applicable), and battery. Take a deep breath and turn on the phone. If it miraculously springs back to life, consider yourself lucky! However, proceed with caution:

Back Up Your Data Immediately: Even if your phone seems functional, lingering water damage could still cause issues. Back up your data immediately to a cloud storage service or another device to prevent potential data loss.

Monitor for Signs of Trouble: Keep a close eye on your phone’s performance. Look for signs like unusual heat, erratic behavior, or charging problems. These could indicate lingering water damage and warrant professional attention.

Seeking Professional Help: When DIY Efforts Fall Short

If your phone remains unresponsive after the drying process, don’t despair. Take it to a qualified technician who specializes in smartphone repair. They can diagnose the extent of the damage and offer repair options. While there’s no guarantee, a professional may be able to salvage your phone or recover valuable data.

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