There’s hardship nowadays and we aren’t rejecting l0ve proposal again- GH girls to single men

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The proprietors of jobs are always seeking to shift our pants before keeping us in their company.

We accept any proposal from guys because our wage is insufficient to meet our demands, she said, adding that she and other girls do the same thing.

The prevailing economic hardship is global, albeit lesser felt in some economies than others. Developed economies are struggling, with the majority of its citizens experiencing ‘unimaginably’ high interest and inflation rates for the first time in their lives.

In most developing and poor countries, the effects are enormous and is resulting in political unrests and instability. In Ghana, the effect has been seen in energy, food, transport and other economic sectors. The honest truth is that similar to the early days of COVID-19, nobody can predict when these troubled times will end. It is an economic mystery.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank have predicted that the world may be edging toward a global recession in 2023 with a string of financial crises still lurking. What it basically means to the ordinary Ghanaian is that things are not going to get any better in the next coming year. What you must therefore do as a person to survive the current and future economic crises is to adopt methods to manage your finances, both personal and economic.

At this stage understand that some things are within your control, and many others are not. So it’ll be for your own sanity that you focus on the things you can control, such as your perspective, beliefs, value, actions, etc. and let go the things outside you control, such as the economy, politics, time, the weather, etc. Epictetus said: “Make the best use of what is in your power, and take the rest as it happens”. Viktor Frankl also said: “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves”.

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